Module 6 : The Infodemic Intervention Toolbox

Infodemic management has become more challenging with proliferation of mis- and dis-information. It has become imperative to ensure people have access to trustworthy information in a timely manner that is easily understood. This module will highlight the importance of an infodemic intervention toolbox which aims to build resilience against the rapidly changing health related information ecosystem. The infodemic intervention toolbox will explain the key tools and techniques through which we can debunk misinformation. The module will also summarise various fact-checking measures such as source attribution and date of publication on various digital and social media platforms. It will demonstrate how to exercise text and image search techniques, video verification etc. to debunk a piece of mis-and dis-information.

By the end of this module, healthcare professionals and workers will be equipped with an infodemic intervention toolbox which can act as an anchor in their day-to-day activities to address health related misinformation.

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